Our Team



I grew up in rural Massachusetts riding my bike to school, the baseball card shop, the local arcade - everywhere. Growing up, I spent my summers traveling to bike races and camping in the nearest church parking lot with my dad the night before a race. So, when it came time to choose what I wanted to do in life -- I knew I wanted it to involve bikes.

But I didn't figure out exactly what I wanted to do with bikes until I was sixteen years old - I designed a simple part for my bicycle and wanted it made. I dragged my father along and knocked on the door of a local machine shop. I had no experience, very little money, and was requesting a quantity of one.

The machinist opened his door and took us inside. We discussed how to redesign the part to make it feasible to build and offered to make a special two-piece run. The machinist gave me the parts, but what he really did was give me the insight and curiosity to design and build bikes.

After getting a degree in mechanical engineering, I spent over a decade designing and building bikes with some of the biggest and most respected bike companies in the world, including Parlee, Specialized, and Cannondale.

However, as much as I enjoyed designing bikes for the pro tour, I always wanted to be more like the machinist I met when I was sixteen, designing my own tools and crafting them myself. I started Eyewater Bicycles to fulfill that desire -- to work with my own hands and to build the most refined carbon bikes possible.


DAMIAn handisides - PARTNER

March 2011 somewhere between Salt Lake City and Fruita it begins. We’re just a couple of hours into our annual bike trip. I’m surrounded by the best people. The kind of people with all the right style. The style you only see when you’re five hours into a three-hour ride. The excuse to be together is bikes but I would be in this rented van for any reason. But bikes, that’s what got us here, and without fail we begin the “bike talk”. And while the specifics aren’t clear, nor are they important really, I remember the talk of what it would take to make a bike in the US.

It’s not the first time we’ve gone down this path, nor would it be the last.

So while pounding away at the keyboard for the day job those discussions linger. I’ve had the opportunity to be both directly involved and a passenger for multiple projects outside of my chosen career path. But still that dream to be a part of just the right project was there.

Eyewater, the dream realized. I’m here for it. I’m here because I love a handmade frame. There is nothing quite like it. I’m here because I want to give back to the bicycle what it has given to me. I’m here because when the Godfather blesses something, you listen, you act.

Zac Daab - PARTNER

My bicycle industry journey has afforded me with an incredible opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with intelligent, successful, and intentional people.

I learned bicycle fitting and design from Rob Vandermark at Seven Cycles in Watertown, MA. My time at Seven gave me day-to-day opportunities to experience just-in-time manufacturing, unmitigated support of independent bicycle retailers, and how to design and fit bicycles to suit riders’ needs first.

After my time at Seven, I chose to open my own bicycle studio, Cascade Bicycle Studio from 2006 to 2018. CBS is a nationally recognized bicycle studio and my work there helped inspire others around the globe to open independent, single location bicycle studios where discerning brand selection, agile experiential marketing, and sustainable and profitable business practices were actioned.

Now, in 2023, I am thrilled to re-connect with Corey and Eyewater Bikes and help the brand flourish. Corey is a very humble and accomplished frame builder and his approach to building frames is thoughtful, elegant, and sincere. I look forward to making positive contributions to the Eyewater Bikes brand and processes.